Saturday 14th November - what an event!
Fanetenane Orphanage arranged a "Randonnee 2009" - an opportunity for all children in Mananjary to unite with those kids at the orphanage. With over 500 children to cater for on the day, Ripple Group sponsored the event through: advertising, staff assistance, supply of all food and drink, and donations of prizes and gifts for all children that participated.
The day commenced at 07:45 in Mananjary Market where children were organised into 20 teams of 25 children per team – badges and numbered T shirts were distributed prior to the start of the sponsored walk.
The security and music was sponsored by Telma phone company where a local truck wired with music lead the children through the streets of Mananjary passing 4 stall stands on route to Fanatenane orphanage. At the second stall stand, Ripple Fish prepared a small quiz for each team; questions surrounding Ripple Group including aspects of our work and eel biology, as well as a game concerning the structure of the human body catered to encourage interest in health education.
While the older children aged 8-12 took part in the sponsored walk, we arranged a sports event for the 3-7yr olds. This was a huge success! Using a ripple vehicle we collected all 35 children and piled them into the ripple wagon for their first ride in a luxury “pous pous”! Games began with a 25m relay race split between two teams followed by a very funny and exciting sack race sponsored by skretting feed bags would you believe! Children then rested a short while in the baking heat of the sun as we distributed water to some very thirsty children! Skretting continued to entertain us as we moved into penalty shoot out using ripple made goal posts and skretting footballs (these have been donated to the orphanage); this was very amusing trying to organise the little one’s to stand in a line and kick the ball!
By 11:30am, the 3-7yr olds were safely returned to the orphanage for a nappy change and a rest as they awaited the rest of the crowds.
All the crowds finally reached their end destination at Fanatenane at 13:30 where food had been prepared for all participants. All the food and water was sponsored by Ripple Group with plenty to go around as children enjoyed a full plate of rice and beef stew! Meat is quite a luxury for many children who often go for months without tasting any meat!
At 15:30 there were presentations and prizes for all the teams. Speeches were made by:
Monsieur Andriatsiferana Rianarisoa Abdon – Chef de district de Mananjary Monsieur Razafindrakoto Samuel Martel – Maire de la Commune Urbaine de Mananjary Madame Zakarisoa Lucette – Juge des enfants au TPI Mananjary Monsieur Koto Florent-Chef CISCO de Mananjary
Claudia – assistant director of Fanatenane
Monsieur Tovo- on-site director of Fanatenane
Great coverage and thanks was awarded to Ripple Group for sponsoring the majority of the day’s events and for providing staff support to assist in caring for all the children on the day.
The day ended with cocktails and snacks between all the sponsors and a big sigh of relief and joy by all that the day was successful and all children went home happy and content and no doubt with another friend by their side- the purpose of the day; to unit all of the children in Mananjary especially to those children from the orphanages Fanatenane and Catja who by some local beliefs are considered not welcome in the community for reasons surrounding the fady of twins.
A huge thanks to Mr & Mrs Lewis and Ripple Group for sponsoring this event – it was exhausting but very pleasurable to be a part of especially as we too made friends on the day (see photo album Randonnee 2009)…!